How To Apply:
Fill out the application online.
Submit a 500+ word essay about why you want to or have served our country or how our Service-members who serve our country affect your daily living. Applications should be in English.
Essays should be written in English and typed in 12-point font. The scholarship winner’s essay may appear on our law firms blog.
Submit a recommendation letter from their instructor of JROTC, ROTC or a former military supervisor.
Submit documentation of being enrolled in a post-high school institution.
Any other documentation you would like to be considered (ex: awards, photographs, etc).
Applications must be completed by August 15th each year but applications are accepted year round.
Must be 1 of the following:
A high-school student currently in a JROTC or Boy Scout Explorer program that has been accepted to and will be attending a post-high school institution in the United States.
A student currently enrolled in a college and a member of their college’s ROTC program.
A US Military Veteran that is currently enrolled in post-high school institution or graduate school.
The winner of the $1,000 scholarship will be awarded in the Fall of each year.
The scholarship funds can be used toward tuition or books.
All fields with an * are required.